Las Vegas Child Custody Lawyer
Navigating Custody Issues in Nevada
When a couple decides to end their marriage, their children can be impacted in several ways. Parents are forced to make decisions about child custody arrangements. With whom will the child live primarily? When will the child spend time with the other parent? Which parent will make decisions for the child?
It is not uncommon for this issue to be a source of severe contention between parents. At Hurtik Law & Associates, we understand the challenges you are facing. Our Las Vegas child custody lawyers are here to help you arrive at an arrangement that satisfies the best interests of your child and protects your relationship with him or her.
We fight hard for fair child custody agreements. Call (702) 479-5322 today to discuss your case with our experienced child custody attorneys.
What are the Different Types of Child Custody in Nevada?
In Nevada, child custody arrangements can either be joint or sole. Joint custody is favored by the family courts which makes it the most common child custody arrangement. Joint custody means that both parents have custody of the child. Although joint custody is granted most often, there are circumstances where one parent is seen to be unfit for some reason, in these instances sole custody may be granted to the other parent.
There are two forms of child custody, including:
- Physical custody: pertains to whom the child lives with
- Legal custody: determines which parent has the right to make important decisions on behalf of the child
How Is Child Custody Determined?
The court bases its decision concerning a child custody arrangement primarily on the best interests of the child. How does the court determine what the child’s best interests are? It evaluates a number of factors pertaining to the child’s situation. The factors considered when determining the best interests of a child include:
- The child’s relationship with each parent
- The physical and emotional needs of the child
- Any history of domestic violence or child abuse
- The ability of the parents to co-parent
- Each parent’s mental and physical health
- The willingness of each parent to encourage the other child-parent relationship
What Is The Most Common Child Custody Agreement?
The most common child custody agreement is called joint custody. Joint custody means that both parents have legal and physical custody of their child. This means that they both have the right to make decisions about their child's upbringing, education, and health care. They also both have the responsibility to provide for their child's needs. Joint custody can be either joint physical custody or joint legal custody, or both.
Child custody lawyers can help parents negotiate a child custody agreement that is in the best interests of their child. They can also help parents resolve any disagreements they may have about child custody arrangements. Contact our child custody attorneys in Las Vegas today to learn more about what we can do to help you, and to schedule a free initial consultation.
Contact Our Las Vegas Child Custody Attorney Today
Not only does a child deserve to spend substantial time with each parent during his or her upbringing but, as a parent, you also have a right to equal access to your child. Rely on our Las Vegas child custody attorneys at Hurtik Law & Associates to protect the rights of you and your child during this time.
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