Las Vegas Legal Separation Lawyer
Navigate Your Legal Separation with Confidence
At Hurtik Law & Associates, we help couples going through marital difficulties work toward a peaceful agreement on the terms of their separation. We understand that a separation may not lead to a divorce. You may just need some time apart. Our Las Vegas legal separation lawyers can ensure that this transition to a new phase of life goes as smoothly as possible.
We have extensive experience handling all types of matters related to a legal separation, including:
- Division of assets
- Child custody arrangements
- Alimony and child support payments
Why Legal Separation Instead of Divorce?
Choosing between divorce and legal separation can be confusing. Hurtik Law & Associates is here to help you make the right decision for you and your family. It is important to understand how legal separation and divorce are the same and how they are different.
Some of the similarities include:
- You and your spouse will live separately
- Your marital assets will be divided between you
- Child custody and child support arrangements will be made
- One spouse may need to make alimony payments to the other
Call our firm at (702) 479-5322 to consult with our compassionate family law team. We can advise you on the right path to take and help you every step of the way.
The primary difference between divorce and legal separation is that divorce fully dissolves a marriage. During a legal separation, the spouses remain married. Why might you want to consider this option?
There are several benefits of a legal separation. For instance, you can:
- Spend time apart to think through the implications of ending your marriage
- Maintain eligibility for health insurance benefits
- Retain certain medical benefits
- Hold to your personal or religious convictions about divorce
- Maintain your immigration status
- Continue to enjoy certain tax benefits
Let Us Guide You Through Your Separation Process
The legal team at Hurtik Law & Associates is here to help you progress toward a better future. We can help you draft a legal separation agreement that satisfies both you and your spouse.
Schedule a consultation with our dedicated separation attorneys by contacting us online.